Executive functions, also known as executive super-functions, are a group of highly necessary non-cognitive activities that are required for the successful completion of goal-oriented behavior: successfully monitoring and choosing behaviors that effectively facilitate the achievement of selected objectives. It is divided into three levels: cognitive, interpersonal, and behavioral. It is important to note that these three executive functions can be addressed separately and may overlap significantly. In this article, we will discuss three executive functions in more detail:
The first executive function we will discuss is organizational behavior. These executive functioning skills include the ability to organize, plan, evaluate, and control behavior so that the organization achieves desirable outcomes. Organizational behavior is comprised of internal as well as external behaviors and attitudes. These behaviors include attitudes towards people, resources, and organizations; these attitudes affect the allocation of resources and how they are used. Organizational behavior is a powerful force that shapes the organization and its future.
Another executive function is interpersonal skills. In order to be effective in interpersonal skills, it is necessary to have good communication skills, as well as the ability to interact with others. These skills involve problem solving, negotiation, conflict management, delegating tasks, accepting criticism, empathy, and more. It is also common for people suffering from executive dysfunction to have difficulty communicating and having good interpersonal skills.
The third executive function is the prefrontal cortex. This is a part of the midbrain, which impacts all other executive functions. This part of the brain controls emotion, motivation, memory, thinking, attention, alertness, and so much more. People who suffer from executive dysfunction have found it very difficult to focus on tasks because their prefrontal cortex has been distracted by a variety of factors.
The fourth executive function is self-control. Self-control is one of the keys to successful living and working. When we are emotionally healthy, mentally strong, and physically balanced, we can get more accomplished and go far in life. People with executive dysfunction are usually not in the best position to gain self-control and therefore may have difficulties getting their emotional, mental, physical, and physical health to the level they need or desire.
Executive dysfunction can lead to many other problems if left untreated. One of the most common problems associated with executive dysfunction is the inability to delegate tasks. The inattention, impulsivity, and the inability to concentrate can all lead to a lack of organizational skills and a lot of unwanted work. People who struggle with organizing can oftentimes be completely unproductive because they are not able to accomplish anything. Executive dysfunction can often lead to other types of medical problems such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, and even depression and anxiety. If these problems are not addressed and controlled, other more serious medical conditions can then develop. Check out this post that has expounded more on the topic: https://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/executive-function.